Thursday, November 27, 2008

Vickie visited her son's home for Thanksgiving. Her three young grandsons don't remember their grandmother as she used to be but they were still excited to see her.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Vickie returned to the Orthopedic Dr. this afternoon for follow-up x-rays of her broken arm. The x-rays indicated the injury was healing rapidly. She will have more x-rays in a month.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Because Vickie's Dr. is on vacation this week another Dr. in the same office filled in on a quickly scheduled appointment.
A new medication was prescribed.
Vickie had some additional lab work at MHMC.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Previous X-rays and new ones taken this afternoon indicated Vickie has a fracture in her left elbow. A removable splint was placed on her arm to support it and protect it from further injury. Other than follow up X-rays no other action is planned.
Since Vickie has no control of and very little sensation in her left arm she is mostly unaware of any pain or discomfort due to the injury.