Monday, July 04, 2005

Vickie recovered from a bout of nauesa in the morning in time to have a good brunch.

1 comment:

vicstory said...

Its hard to believe but it has been one year since we began posting Vickie’s daily updates on this website. Looking back at the original postings show what a change has taken place. In early July of 2004 we couldn’t be sure if Vickie would even survive all that had happened to her or if she did what she would be like a year later.
Most of the info listed then dealt with the serious medical problems that changed daily. Later they would touch on the financial aspects of her medical care and how those issues interlocked with and sometimes contradicted the medical treatment.
The care of Vickie and sometimes the lack of, by different professionals have been discussed, possibly too much at times. We all have different opinions on what the proper care should be; occasionally even family members have difficulty agreeing.
As we move into the second year the major problems, are for the time being out of the picture. Make no mistake about it; Vickie still has some very serious underlying medical concerns that could create more terrible setbacks at any time.
We will continue providing the daily postings of the significant events of Vickie’s life, however routine and boring they may have become.