Thursday, July 22, 2004

This week Vickie's situation seemed to not be going in the direction we had hoped.
Just when I think I know what where we are going, there is a turn in the road I didn't expect.
Today Vickie appears to want to rejoin us. She started moving her head side to side ever so slightly, she lifted her right hand up several inches and those of us who witnessed it believe she is trying to mouth words. All of this is without prompting. She also notices unusual noises. Yesterday there was absolutly no clue to what's happening today.
The roller coaster ride continues.

1 comment:

vicstory said...

I made a mistake yesterday. the ailment vickie has is called Fibromuscular-dysplasia. By the time i do this posting my thinking skills are marginal at best.
thanks Renee for the heads up.