This photo of Vickie was taken a few weeks before June 16th 2004.
Vickie cruised her residence neighborhood in her chair this afternoon with the help of her sister and niece. The fresh air and sun were probably good for her.
It’s hard to grasp the concept that it has now been four years since Vickie’s life was dramatically changed in just a matter of minutes and without any warning.
Hopes for a recovery that would allow her to return to her life as it was before June 16 2004 are diminishing. The best outcome would be that Vickie is able to maintain the mental facilities she still possesses.
Vickie’s physical health is reasonably good given that she gets most of her nutrition from liquid supplements and that she is unable to do any meaningful exercise.
Vickie is being treated for an ongoing infection that is resistant to most anti-biotics. She just started using a new medication last week and we are running out of options for one that will offer successful treatment.
The psychosis episodes occur often and seem to interfere with Vickie's eating and normal conversation. Most of the time she is unaware of her situation and what is happening around her.